Hey guys!!!
Vivian here, unapologeitcally updating at some random time because I feel like it!
Ain't life grand??
Yes. Yes it is. |
Now, this next part is dedicated to the random internet people that just
peruse my blog and have no idea who I am. Please take a moment.... And, notice how I don't care about your feelings. NOTICE IT.
No, seriously... please take note. Because, guess what?? I really, REALLY don't care WHAT YOU THINK. I'm sure most of you are totally amazing and worthy of a nod and/or grunt of approval.
Some random "global-citizen" (consider that term a softened version of what it should be), has recently taken it upon himself to bombard my blog with his *FEELINGS* about... well, pretty much everything as of late. And well, he's missed the point.
The point of this blog is for me to do WHATEVER THE F*CK I WANT. POST WHATEVER I WANT. AND BE FREAKING AWESOME. That last part is important. If I want to post about people being racist in Japan? I'll do it. If I want to post about robots prancing through Shinjuku? I'll Do That Too. Robots are awesome. If I want to post a 3000 word essay about Chikans and Yakuza? I'll do that. Because... THIS IS THE INTERNET. And I'll do whatever I damn well please.
I've been recently accused of deleting comments from my blog. It's true- I've done that. If you have nothing interesting to say, have some axe to grind, or are generally butt-hurt, I'm gonna delete your sh*t. That's what it is, darling readers... it's sh*t. Constructive criticism is fine, but incoherent ramblings are MY GAME. Because it's my blog. If you want to do that nonsense, I suggest starting your own blog. One that people can observe and judge accordingly. In the mean time... I'm just gonna continue doing my own thing...
Let the awesomeness commence!
Asian-panda version of KISS? Yeeeesss. |
The kids in my neighbourhood hang pieces of 'wish paper' on the trees in July. They're hoping for happiness and health for their families. |
These are 'Yukata,' or summer-time Kimono. They are basically bathrobes with giant arm-pit holes that you wear outside. 20 bucks says I'll finally be talked into wearing one this year. |
Japanese fashion is still hilariously disgusting. |
WINE. FROM A KEG. ON A BOAT. Nothing more needs to be said about this picture. |
Tokyo harbor |
Men's "Non-no" magazine... |
Feeling supremely white. |
Yup, still white. |
Goddamn this girl is purdy. :) |
Anime crotch-shot!! |
Crotch-shots continue!! |
Kumon and their less-than-enthusiastic mascot... |
Friends of mine! |
My students on my birthday last month... |
Asian version of KISS??? What. |
Seems Legit. |
So... let's just take a minute and accept the things we cannot change. Like d-bags on the internet. Additionally, we should be grateful for the awesomeness in our lives. I am living in a phenomenal place, learning new things everyday... and I am a better person for it.
Oyasumi, my darlings. Stay awesome, and stay away from the jikochushintekina dadakko* types in this world. There are bigger fish.
*自己中心的な駄々っ子 (self-centered spoiled brat)
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