Wednesday, August 22, 2012

He totally asked for it. No... for realz.


One of my good friends in Japan is in a Jpop boy-band. As in, he actually MAKES A LIVING at recreating a (relatively successful) version of Nsync. Now, I'm not going to post names, for the sake of saving whatever little grace he has left after this, but he embodies the most amazing juxtaposition of vocal talent and public displays of ridiculousness that I have ever seen.

The best part is that I had no idea just how "Big In Japan" he was until it was way, WAY, WAAAYYY too late. And one night at a bar, there was a 'throw down' of sorts.

There was a picture.

We (a relatively small group of people) were ESSENTIALLY DARED to MEME THE CRAP OUT OF HIS FACE. And to be fair, he totally approved of the resulting social experiment... to a point.

I don't think he realized just how far it would go... maybe he wanted it...?

Gambatte, my friend. You're now a part of the internet...

It all started with a 'photo-captionable' picture...

And then some harmless captions were created...
This... is... tame, really, by our standards.  
Moderately more creative...
Getting there...

And then, well, it just got out of control...

To be fair, this is like, 89% my fault.
Ok, like 91% my fault...

And I did it all on Paint! : D

This is... awesome sauce.

This is... my favourite.

 So... どうぞ... <here you are>

You asked me to update my blog/dared me to meme your face... so here you go . And since Facebook is filtered as sh*t these days, this is the only way everyone can see this AMAZINGNESS. Happy belated birthday.

For everyone else; actual blog updates will continue within a couple days.